mapping your experience
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In the 'mapping' archive you will find a community generated map in which physical experiences with masculinities are located. You can discover global experiences and you can add your own.

The intention of the Map is to make suppressed ideas, experiences and feelings about masculinity visible and to collectively unfold an authentic story about masculinities. A narrative that does not come from the unambiguous view of masculinity through patriarchy, but which is felt by people themselves, of all genders.

Stories are told about remembering a dear man, fatherhood, love between two men, the struggle of a young boy growing up, the tragedy of femicide, and everything that people think belongs to masculinities. In this cartographic archive, national boundaries blur and the construction of masculinity is decentralized, making way for deeply felt real experiences about masculinities.
How to map?
1. Click on the link above
2. Search for the location of your story
3. Click on the writing symbol at the top left
4. Write your story in the text box
5. Click on OK to share your story

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